LIFE ORTHO CARE was founded on August 2005 : with an aim to establish itself as a manufacturer of Orthopedic and Arthroscopy Instruments and Implants. Today its core business is Marketing Sourcing Manufacture Sales and Supply of Orthopedic and Arthroscopy Instruments and Implants.
Guided by clear vision and driven by enthusiasm LIFE ORTHO CARE has gained considerable expertise in Manufacturing and Marketing. It has built a reputation of : a strong financial base quality products and dynamic Marketing.
The Company has office and works located at Honey House Halar Road Valsad Gujarat.
Products are Manufactured at our Sister Concern Located nearby.
In-house facilities are available for all processes for post manufacturing a finished product. Suitable code configuration is used in each components of a product to assist final product assembly. Trained technicians oversee all aspects of processes.
Quality has the highest priority. An Independent Quality Assurance Department established policies and procedures designed to monitor all aspects of Manufacturing incoming inspection of raw material and packaging material on-line manufacturing check and finally finished product released.
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Valsad, Gujarat